Surgo offers three categories of services:
(1) Consulting and Advisory Services,
(2) Facilitation, and (3) Employee Training and Development Programs.

We are in the organizational transformation business, and our work is divided into three categories: (1) Consulting/Advisory, (2) Facilitation, and (3) Employee Training Programs.
Our work with clients typically begins with consulting. This generally includes goal-setting, problem-solving, strategy, process design, and sometimes ideation. Generally, with our assistance and guidance, decisions are made by the client’s senior management as to what specific measures should be taken to address the problem(s) at issue. We then help the client design an appropriate process for deploying the chosen strategies and for making the necessary changes. This work may include assisting with internal an/or external communication(s)—including crisis communication(s).
Most often, we find that in order for the organizational changes to be effective, such changes, and the reasoning behind them, must be both understood and embraced by employees. However, disruption and change are stressful to employees, and they can easily lead to internal conflict, reluctance, fear, confusion, and to employees simply feeling overwhelmed. We can skillfully facilitate important and/or difficult internal conversations amongst employees, or we can mediate specific internal disputes. Through these processes, we forge understanding and consensus, and we resolve conflict and miscommunication.
Employee Training
Organizational evolution requires that employees regularly enhance their knowledge and update their skills so that they can remain effective in a rapidly changing environment—thus we are called upon to offer cutting-edge training and development programs. ​
This is how Consulting/Advisory, Facilitation, and Employee Training fit together at Surgo.